When estrogen levels decline after menopause, many changes occur. Millions of women experience changes in their gynecologic health that interfere with their personal lives as a consequence. Many women suffer silently, and those who seek treatment find their options limited.
Now there's a better way.
MonaLisa Touch laser treatment is a simple procedure that delivers both immediate and lasting relief.
Get Started TodayHormonal changes can come with the natural onset of menopause or sometimes through cancer treatments, or surgical procedures. No matter how it begins, the decline of estrogen production can result in uncomfortable and sometimes embarrassing symptoms like vaginal dryness, itching, urinary incontinence, and painful intercourse. The MonaLisa Touch laser can offer relief from these symptoms by naturally stimulating the production of restorative collagen along the vaginal walls.
You're probably aware of the most common symptoms associated with menopause - hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and more. However, there are other changes that can come with menopause that are less often discussed. Some women may experience uncomfortable symptoms like vaginal dryness, itching, burning, and even urinary incontinence. All of these symptoms can interfere with your daily routine and severely affect your personal and intimate relationships. Thankfully, the revolutionary MonaLisa Touch laser can help alleviate these symptoms and restore vaginal health naturally without surgery.
What makes the MonaLisa Touch procedure different is the use of a minimally invasive C02 fractional laser to treat symptoms of vaginal atrophy.
The laser is inserted vaginally and then switched on. Pulses of laser energy are then directed at the walls of the vagina. This process stimulates the production of new collagen and skin cells which in turn naturally increases blood flow, lubrication, and strength to the vaginal lining.
A benefit of laser vaginal revitalization is the fact that it can be performed as an outpatient procedure and, unlike traditional surgical methods, does not require anesthesia to complete. Typically, the treatment session only takes about 10 minutes to complete. It is not considered to be a painful procedure, but an optional anesthetic cooling cream can be applied prior to treatment to help alleviate any discomfort. While some women will experience near-immediate relief from their most frustrating symptoms after just one MonaLisa Touch treatment, it is recommended that patients have three sessions over a 18-week period in order to achieve the best possible results. Other than abstaining from sexual activity for 48 hours following treatments, women are able to return to their normal daily activities without interruption.
Call Vida Gynecology today to learn more and to book your consultation!
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